Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday Inspiration

Isaiah 30:15, "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength..."

I had a baby boy on March 12, and have (mostly) interrupted blog posting and even blog reading for this sacred time with my new son. It has made Easter especially meaningful for our family this year, and every minute I spend with that precious baby is a prayer of thanksgiving for the gift of life - which is ultimately the gift of Easter.

While I'm getting frustrated with my inability to keep a regular schedule, or any schedule at all for that matter (a two week old will do that to you!) I feel that this time is such an important reminder that the busy-ness of my everyday life is really not that important. What is of utmost importance is to cherish the gifts I have received. While it is still cold and windy, it is Easter outside with daffodils and tulips everywhere - all the signs of life and renewal. On Easter Sunday, we celebrate life - both that Jesus lives, and that we can live with Him. In my family, we will also celebrate the new life we are lucky enough to experience.

For now, I will enjoy the rest of not keeping a schedule, loving my little boy, and giving thanks with every breath.

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